

历史系提供以下研究领域的课程, 东亚, 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 南亚, 美国, 大西洋的世界, 和殖民世界. 多领域课程涉及多个研究领域.

在选择主修历史之前, a student should have completed or have in progress at least two college-level courses in history. 我咨询了系里的指导老师, a student should plan a program that begins at either the introductory or the intermediate level and progresses to the advanced level.

The major consists of ten courses, with the following stipulations and required courses:

  • no more than two courses below the intermediate level (numbered below 2000) may count toward the major, 这些课程必须在大三之前修完;
  • 在一个研究领域中,不超过六门课程可以算作专业;
  • 多领域课程可以计入其指定的任何一个领域;
  • 三门非欧美课程;
  • 一门前现代课程;
  • 三门2500或更高的课程(必须在买球平台学习).
    • 中级研讨会(2500-2969), 中级独立和合作研究(2970-2999), 高级研究研讨会(3000分), and advanced independent and collaborative studies or honors projects (4000s) are included.
    • 三个高级研讨会中的一个必须是3000级的顶点研讨会. In consultation with a faculty advisor, a major may fulfill this requirement with an honors project.


The minor consists of five courses, with the following stipulations and required courses:

  • 最多一门低于中级水平的课程(2000以下); 必须在大三之前修完;
  • one course at the level of intermediate seminar or above (numbered 2000 or higher) taken at Bowdoin;
  • 一门课程必须是非欧洲/美国课程.


  • 成绩: Students must obtain a minimum course grade of C- to receive credit toward the major or minor. 课程 that count toward the major or minor must be taken for regular letter grades (not Credit/D/Fail).
  • 研究了: 在大二的时候, students anticipating study away from Bowdoin should discuss with the departmental advisor a plan for the history major that includes work at Bowdoin and elsewhere. Students participating in approved off-campus study may count one history course per semester toward the history major or minor. 在特殊情况下, students may petition to receive credit for more than one course per semester toward the history major. 在所有情况下, a maximum of three history courses taken away from Bowdoin may count toward the history major, 等待审核. And a maximum of one course taken at another institution may count toward the history minor.
  • 荣誉: 才有资格获得荣誉, a student must have the equivalent of a B+ average in courses taken in the department and the approval of a thesis advisor. 所有寻求系里荣誉的历史专业学生都必须研究并写一篇荣誉论文.
  • 语言: 历史 majors are encouraged to develop competence in one or more foreign languages and to use this competence in their historical reading and research. Knowledge of a foreign language is particularly important for students planning graduate work.
  • 大学先修课程/国际学士学位(AP/IB): 在世界历史AP考试中获得4分或以上的学生, 美国历史AP考试, or 欧洲an 历史 AP exam—or a five or higher on the 历史 IB exam—must complete a history course at the 2000 level or above with a minimum grade of B in order to receive a college credit for the exam. AP/IB credits do not count toward the history major or any college requirements; credits from AP/IB exams only count toward total credits needed for graduation. If a student has scores for more than one AP/IB 历史 exam, only one total credit is awarded. 为了获得大学先修课程的学分, students must have their scores officially reported to the Office of the Registrar by the end of their sophomore year at Bowdoin.
  • ​Majors may double-count an unlimited number of courses cross-listed with history to another department or program. 
  • Minors may double-count an unlimited number of courses cross-listed with history to another department or program.


  • First-year writing seminars (1000–1049) introduce students to college-level writing through the study of history as a discipline. 每次研讨会仅限16名学生报名. First-year writing seminars numbered 1028–1049 fulfill the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors.
  • Introductory courses (1100–1999) introduce students to the methods and skills of history as a humanities and social science discipline. Introductory 1000–level courses numbered 1370–1999 fulfill the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors.
  • Core courses (2000–2499) survey historical themes and problems and offer opportunities to deepen skills in historical thinking and writing. (对所有学生开放,包括一年级学生.)编号为2270-2499的核心课程满足非欧洲/美国历史专业的要求.
  • Intermediate seminars (2500–2999) offer the opportunity for more intensive work in critical reading and discussion, 分析性写作, 图书馆或档案研究, 和方法论. (未经老师允许,一年级学生不得入内; some background in the discipline assumed.)编号为2740-2899的研讨会符合非欧洲/美国历史专业的要求.
  • Intermediate independent study courses are numbered based on the area of focus: HIST 2970-2971 is for 欧洲, HIST 2972-2973为 美国, HIST 2974-2975为 非洲, HIST 2976-2977为 东亚, HIST 2978-2979为 拉丁美洲, HIST 2980-2981为 南亚, HIST 2982-2983为 大西洋的世界, HIST 2984-2985为 殖民世界,而HIST 2986-2998是为所有其他重点领域保留的.
    • 中级合作学习课程编号为HIST 2999.
  • Advanced seminars (3000–3999) expect students to build on prior coursework by developing a substantial piece of historical research. (未经老师允许,一年级学生不得入内.)编号为3270-3999的研讨会满足非欧洲/美国历史专业的要求.
  • Advanced independent study courses are numbered based on the area of focus: HIST 4000-4001 is for 欧洲, HIST 4002-4003为 美国, HIST 4004-4005 非洲, HIST 4006-4007为 东亚, HIST 4008-4009为 拉丁美洲, HIST 4010-4011为 南亚, HIST 4012-4013为 大西洋的世界, HIST 4014-4015为 殖民世界, HIST 4016-4028适用于所有其他重点领域.
    • 高级合作学习课程编号为HIST 4029.
  • 荣誉项目课程根据重点领域进行编号:HIST 4050-4051适用 欧洲, HIST 4052-4053为 美国, HIST 4054-4055为 非洲, HIST 4056-4057为 东亚, HIST 4058-4059为 拉丁美洲, HIST 4060-4061 南亚, HIST 4062-4063为 大西洋的世界, HIST 4064-4065为 殖民世界, HIST 4066-4079适用于所有其他重点领域. 


一年级学生可以在买球平台开始不同层次的历史学习. 这包括:

  • First-year writing seminars (1000-1049) that focus on college-level writing through the study of history as a discipline;
  • Introductory courses (1100-1999) that introduce students to the methods and skills of history as a humanities and social science discipline;
  • Core courses (2000-2499) that survey historical themes and problems and offer opportunities to deepen skills in historical thinking and writing.

联系历史系的任何成员 如果您对合适的课程水平或最适合您的入门点有疑问. Because the 历史 Department is committed to providing students with a variety of historical perspectives, 我们鼓励学生探索非西方历史(非洲)的课程, 中东, 东亚, 拉丁美洲, 以及南亚).

这是官方买球平台目录和学术手册的摘录. 查看目录